The aim of NC.C. is to develop character comradeship and leadership. It provides service training to youths so as to stimulate potential manpower to enable the armed forces to expand rapidly in times of National Emergency. N.C.C. units of the college function under the 1st Orissa B.N.N.C.C. Cuttack. From the year 2004-2005 33% girl cadets are included in the present strength.
Enrolement :
Enrolment is made at the beginning of the session and it is open to all students who satisfy the standards of physical fitness. Enrolment forms can be had from the N.C.C. officer within the due date. Training is imparted to the cadets from August to January.
a) Training in infantry will be given in drill, weapon training (Rifles, L.M.G, Stengun,2 mortar, etc) message writing , map reading, civil defence, field craft and first aid.
b) A cadet can continue N.C.C. for a period of three years and has to under go training for a period of 4 hours a week.
c) A cadet is also required to attend an annual training camp of ten days duration.
d) N.C.C. cadets in the second and third year of training are eligible to appear at ‘B’ and ‘C’ certificate examinations, provided they have attended at least 75% of the total no. of parades by the end of the session and attended two annual training camps and passed ‘B’ certificate examination and ‘C’ certificate examination.
e) Cycle expedition and stone throwing events are also undertaken by the cadets.
f) Interest in the defence of the country is also built up.