The College library contains textbooks and other reference books of library importance. The staff, the students and others specially permitted by the Principal may use the Library books.
The library remains open from 10 A.M. to 4.30 P.M. during all working days and is closed on Sundays and other holidays. Persons of unsound mind and unclean dress and habits are not allowed in the library.
No. of Books: 25,560
Magazine: 2,749
Journals: 240
Rules for Borrower of books:
1. No book should be taken out of the library without the knowledge of the librarian until it has been entered in the issue register and the entry attested by the borrower.
2. Each borrower must examine the condition of books before it is issued. Otherwise in case of mutilation is discovered later the presumption will be against the borrower.
3. Book must be returned within the period allowed to a borrower.
4. All books of the library should be returned before the college closes for a long vacation or before the date notified for the purpose.
5. Anyone having Library Books in his/her possession should return the same to the Library when he/she receives from the professor in charge or Librarian requisition for return of such books.
a) Students should surrender their Library cards at the Library counter at the time of obtaining clearance.
b) A duplicate Library card may be issued to a student on receipt of genuine evidence in support of the loss of the Original Card. In such a case the student will have to pay Rs.10/- to the Cashier towards obtaining the Duplicate Library Card.
c) Books must be returned to the Librarian or Asst. Librarian only.
8. No marginal notes should be made in library books or Magazines students are advised not to remove any picture, or page or disfigure them in any other way. Students damaging books in any manner will be penalized. In the extreme case where the book is found to have been badly damaged, the borrower should replace the books with new ones.
9. (a) In case of loss of books three times the cost of books which are out of print and out of the market or the present price for the book which is available in the market should be realized. It must be insisted the book be replaced as far as Practicable.
b) In case of transfer of the Employees or students the documents like L.P.C, I.C., and mark sheets should not be issued unless a clearance certificate is received from the Librarian.
c) In case of retirement, no financial benefits like sanction of G.P.F., final with drawls, Pension, Papers should be held up unless the clearance certificate is received from the librarian.
10. The names of the persons responsible for improper use of Library book will be reported to the principal through the professor-in-charge of the College Library.
11. The professor-in-charge of the college Library has the right to stop issue of certain book of the borrowers which are otherwise called reserved books or reference books.
12. A borrower against whom any overdue or other charge is outstanding shall not be allowed to borrow any book from the library and one who has got a library deposit shall not be allowed to withdraw it until the library dues are cleared.
13. If any borrower keeps library books in his/her possession for more than the time allowed for the purpose, no more books will be issued to him/her until the book is restored to the library and a fine paid for the delay.
Reading Room:
A reading room is attached to the college Library which will usually remain open from 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. on all working days. Students are allowed to get books from the library on the production of identity/Library cards and read in the Reading room. Besides the textbooks subject magazines, newspapers is also be available. No student is allowed to take books issued for the reading room to the home. After reading the books are to be returned to the library in the same condition.
Students are expected to observe utmost discipline and silence in the reading room.
Book Bank:
For borrowing books from the Book Bank 10% of the cost of the book is to be deposited by the poor and meritorious students.
The library maintains question banks for assisting the aspiring students to appear at different competitive examinations, entrance examinations, recruitment tests etc. Update books particularly reports of the Government are available in our library for reference.