The Autonomous Examination of the college is managed by the examination committee which consists chairman (Principal), Controller of Examination, Deputy Controllers of Examination, Administrative Bursar, Academic Bursar and all Head of the departments.
There will be Semester system of examination for degree students as per the guidelines of UGC and Utkal University.
Three years of six semesters. Odd semester is from July to December (i.e. 1st, 3rd & 5th semester). The examination shall be held normally in the month of November/ December. Even semester is from January to June (i.e. 2nd, 4th & 6th semester). The examination shall be held normally in the month of April/May. However, the Final Semester shall be conducted in April and result shall be published within 60 days from the date of completion of the examination. A student would be required to complete the course within six academic years from the date of admission.
Compulsory Registration for 1st Semester:
Registration for 1st semester is compulsory. A candidate.admitted to +3 Courses but not registered for 1st semester examination, his/her admission will be automatically cancelled A candidate may take a blank Semester: A blank Semester has to be clubbed with next Odd or Even Semester as the case may be i.e.2nd, 4th and 6th / 1sl, 3rd and 5th. A student may clear backlog papers within 6 years and improvement, if any, has to be completed within 4 yrars starting from the year of admission batch.
Attendance :
A candidate shall be required to attend at least 75% of the lectures in theory and practical classes taken separately Condonation in exceptional cases may be granted by Chairperson/Chairman/P.G. Council/ the Principal (In case of affiliated colleges) to the extent of 15% on production of medical certificate. The Syndicate or Examination Committee may grant further condonation of shortage in attendance to the extent of 10% in respect of candidates who represent the University or State for Inter-University or inter- state competitions in Games and Sports or attending different recognized National camps. Under no circumstance, the condonation shall be beyond 25%.
The Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) examination shall be of Semester pattern. Each semester examination shall consist of a Mid-Semester (Internal) Examination and End Semester examination. Mid Semester examination shall be conducted only for theory papers. End Semester Examination in theory papers carrying full marks above 50(e.g., 60, 75, 80 etc) shall be of 3 hours duration and practical shall be of 3hours (for full marks carrying 30). On the other hand, theory papers carrying 50 marks or beloyy shall be of 2 hours duration
1. Mid semester examination will be of 01 hour duration. There shall be no pass mark in Mid Semester examination.
2. The papers of Mid Semester Examination will be valued by the teachers of the department.
3. A student who fails to appear in a mid Semester examination will be allowed to take the same examination with next batch by paying the registration fee. However, it will be treated as a back examination. This rule is not applicable to the students appearing for Mid Semester component of V & VI Semester (UG). However, the candidates intending and eligible to appear in such examination shall have to apply to the PGC/Principal concerned in plain paper showing sufficient reasons thereof. If the PGC/ Principal is satisfied, then she will be allowed to appear in the same examination.
4. There is no provision of Improvement examination for Mid -Semester examination in any paper of any Semester.
5. The Mid-Semester examination will be conducted at the end of Sept. /Feb. for Odd and Even Sem. Examination Respectively.
6. The College has to submit positively the Mid-Term marks by end of October/March to the Controller of Examinations for Odd & Even Semester respectively
(Mid +End Sem Exam) in a Semester
Grade Mark Secured from 100 Grade Points
Outstanding ‘O’ 90-100 10
Excellent ‘A+’ 80-89 9
Very Good ‘A’ 70-79 8
Good ‘B+’ 60-69 7
Above average B’ 50-59 6
Fair C’. 45-49 5
Pass ‘D’ 33-44 4
Failed ‘F’ Below 33 0
N.B. A Candidate has to secure 33% or above to pass in each of the Papers.
The candidate obtaining Grade-F is considered failed and will be required to clear the back paper(s) in the subsequent examinations within the stipulated time. The candidate securing B’ Grade and above in Core/ Honours papers in aggregate will be awarded Honours. The candidate securing ‘B+’ Grade and above in aggregate in first appearance will be awarded Honours with Distinction/Distinction (for pass/ regular course). Any candidate filling the forms for appearing in back papers/ improvement shall not be awarded Distinction.
2. A student’s level of competence shall be categorized by a GRADE POINT AVERAGE to be specified as : SGPA- Semester Grade Point Average CGPA[1]Cumulative Grade Point Average (a) POINT -Integer equivalent of each letter grade b) CREDIT -Integer signifying the relative emphasis of individual course item(s) in a semester as indicated by the Course structure and syllabus
CREDIT POINT: (b) x (a) for each course item CREDIT INDEX: “ CREDIT POINT of course items
in each Semester
(CREDIT INDEX/CREDIT) of all previous Semesters up to the 6th Semester
3. A student in order to retain honors has to secure Grade ‘C’ and above in Core papers. Further in order to obtain distinction a student has to secure 50% of marks in all the subjects taken together (excluding core) in 1st appearance. A candidate passing under hard case rule (2% grace mark) shall not be eligible to obtain distinction.
4. In addition to the Grade points, marks/percentage would also be awarded and shall also be reflected in the Mark Sheet.
5. The details of grading system shall be printed on the backside of University Mark[1]sheet.
1. A student has to clear back papers (i.e. in the paper/papers one has failed i.e having secured grade F or below 30% mark) by appearing at subsequent semester examinations within six years from the year/ session of admission.
2. A student may appear improvement (repeat) in any number of Core papers (Honours) in the immediate subsequent examination if the candidate has obtained a grade below C (i.e. below 45%) in the paper concerned. The higher marks shall be retained. The Candidate securing grade, below C (i.e. below 45%) in the Core (Hons) Paper will be declared as Pass without honours.
1. 2% of grace mark on the aggregate mark subject to maximum of 5 (five) marks in single paper shall be given. This shall be applicable in each semester.
2. 0.5 (point five percent) grace mark can be given for award of B Grade (SGPA 7) in each semester provided grace mark under 11.1 has not been awarded. This willn’t affects the distinction of the candidates.
1. The end semester examination will be of three hours irrespective of marks.
2. For subject without having practical full marks are 100 per paper out of which 20 rtiarks is allotted for Mid-Semester Examination (Internal) and 80 marks for end semester examination.
* The question papers shall be divided into two parts such as Group-A & Group-B.
* Group-A will carry 10 short questions of two marks each .The answer should be within two sentences.
There shall be 5 long type questions in Group -B with one alternative each have to be attempted and all questions shall be of equal value (12 marks X 5). For subject with practical full marks are 100 per paper out of which 20 marks is allotted for Mid- Semester Examination, 50 is for End Semester Examination and 30 is for practical. –
The question papers shall be divided into two parts such as Group- A & Group-B. Group- A will carry 10 short questions of one mark each. The answer should be within two sentences.
There shall be 5 long-type questions with one alternative each have to be attempted for subjects having practical. The questions shall be of equal value (8 Marks x 5) 3. Each Dept shall have a designated Teacher in- charge of Examination to be decided by the Principal in addition to the Controller of Examinations of the College (applicable to autonomous colleges).
Suitable modifications may be made by the Autonomous Colleges keeping in view the UGC Guideline for Autonomous Colleges, University Guidelines from time to time and State Govt. Guidelines from time to time.